Louisvilles citatkung

UNIVERSITY OF LOUISVILLE har ett bra tennisgäng i collegecirkusen, men LU förfogar även över ett ruskigt bra basketlag och den karismatiske coachen Rick Pitino. I går fick Pitino frågan hur hans Louisville skulle stoppa Notre Dames mobile och trepoängssäkre guard Kyle McAlarney:
"As soon as he gets off the bus at Freedom Hall, we're going to have to guard him at that point".

Postat av: TuscaloosaSvensken

På tal om roliga citat...från Albama så klart.

Here's a twenty, bury two !" (Coach Bryant after being asked to chip in ten-dollars to help cover the cost of a sports writer's funeral)

"I don't hire anybody not brighter than I am. If they're not smarter than me, I don't need them." (Coach Bryant)

"You boys were 8-10 years old last time Alabama was on top. That was before any of you were paying much attention to it. What are you doing here ? Tell me why you are here. If you're not here to win a national championship, you're in the wrong place. You boys are special. I don't want my players to be like other students. I want special people. You can learn a lot on the football field that isn't taught at home, the church or in the classroom. There are going to be days when you think you've got no more to give and then you're going to give plenty more. You are going to have pride and class. You are going to be very special. You are going to win the national championship for Alabama." (Coach Bryant in his first meeting with his first team at Alabama in 1958...in 1961, they won the national championship)

"The expectation level is high at the University of Alabama and it should be. What's wrong with people expecting excellence ?" (Former Alabama coach Gene Stallings)

"I don't know, we haven't played Alabama yet. (Vince Lombardi after winning the '66 Superbowl and being asked what it felt like to be the greatest football team in the world)

"I can honestly say I didn't come to the University of Alabama because I knew it would be easy. No, I came because I knew it would be hard." (Tommy Wilcox, former Alabama player)

"No man, I majored in journalism, it was easier." (Joe Namath responding to a sports writer who asked him if he majored in Basket Weaving)

"He literally knocked the door down, I mean right off its hinges ! A policeman came in and asked, who knocked the door down ? Coach Bryant said, "I did !" The policeman said "okay" and walked off." (Jerry Duncan describing an irate Bryant after a 7-7 tie with Tennessee)

"Alabama's cornerbacks don't impress me one bit ! They're overrated. Real men don't play zone defense and we'll show them a thing or two come January 1st."

(Miami receiver Lamar Thomas before the '93 Sugar Bowl. We know how that one came down on Thomas and his top-ranked Hurricanes)


"What happened yesterday is history. What happens tomorrow is a mystery.

What we do today makes a difference...the precious, present moment."

(Nick Saban, Alabama coach)

2009-01-14 @ 07:57:51

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